Complilation of speech research on Faith & Freedom
Faith & Legalism
Chuck Swindoll’s broadcast aired 3-4-2019 “An Expose of Legalism“:
“Why is that we believe so strongly in liberty for our Country, and are unwilling to relinquish it, but so many in the Christian ranks do not believe as strongly for freedom in their faith, and therefore yield to those who would wish to take it away?Why is there such courage and zeal to fight against political terrorists, who represent a savage extremism known as Islamic Jihad, but we lack the courage and the zeal to fight in the spiritual realm for those who represent their religion in the form of traditional legalism” (@time 9:13 – 10:06)
Chuck goes on to say – “I remember as a young man growing up, my mom would listen to Christian Radio programs, there weren’t many. One voice was Dr Donald Grey Barnhouse, from the Philadelphia area. Dr Barnhouse, a giant of the faith, spoke often of “free grace”. I recall his words “it was a tragic hour when the reformation churches wrote the ten commandments into their creeds and catechisms, and sought to bring gentile believers into bondage to Jewish law, which was never intended either for the gentile nations, or for the church.” “Barnhouse was right”, says Chuck Swindoll, “We are not under law, but under grace!”
Dr Donald Grey Barnhouse (above)
Dr J. Vernon McGee
“Actually, God has never given but one religion. That was Judaism, the Mosaic system. Somebody may ask, ‘But what about Christianity?’ Christianity, in my book, is not a religion – it’s a Person. You either have Christ or you don’t have Him; you either trust Him or you don’t trust Him. It’s not a religion; it’s a Person. But God did give a religion, the Mosaic system, and He gave it to the nation Israel.”
Dr Charles C. Ryrie. “So Great A Salvation”
“For many years Dr. Ryrie caught the brunt of the attack from Lordship Salvation advocates because of his single chapter in Balancing the Christian Life (published 1969). He did not answer in print until this book was published in 1989. It is a book every evangelical should buy and read. In fact, every Christian concerned about the clarity of the Gospel should buy a half dozen copies and pass them around to others.”